Doing Business in Rwanda

HLB RwandaArticle

Doing Business in Rwanda ABOUT HLB INTERNATIONAL Formed in 1969, HLB assists clients to do business in over 150 countries with over 25,000 staff in 700 offices around the globe. HLB International has a history of innovation, collaboration and dedication to helping clients grow across borders. Through the power of 25,000 professionals across 150 countries, HLBI combine local expertise and … Read More

Tax Guide

HLB RwandaArticle

Tax Guide GENERAL PROVISIONS OF THE LAW Income liable to tax Generally, all income derived in Rwanda is taxable in Rwanda both for resident and non- residents.A resident taxpayer is liable to personal income tax from all domestic and foreign sources.A non-resident taxpayer is only liable to personal income tax which has a source in Rwanda.Resident entities are liable to … Read More